No right is more precious in a free country than that of having a voice in the election of those who make the laws under which, as good citizens, we must live. Other rights, even the most basic, are illusory if the right to vote is undermined.
- US Supreme Court

Saturday, April 19, 2008

CNN stumps for Obama (some more)

headline: Obama movement gets angry

You know, I clicked on the CNN video image because it looked like maybe there had been violence. I thought, oh no, has it started already? Pushing and shoving - that was what the icon looked like to me. Like maybe a fight had broken out.

But, no, it's just CNN doing its best to make sure that happens later. To warn us that Obama backers are very angry, and if we elect Clinton, it would be a bad thing.

Nice little narrative they've got set up there, don't they?

First, Obama isn't a political campaign - it's a movement.

And, CNN tells us, the internet is full of rage. Never mind how many of those bloggers are paid. Never mind that the bloggers overrepresent a single demographic.

Frat Boy is America now (until the general, when I expect CNN will suddenly remember it prefers McCain). We are supposed to let the least experienced choose our candidate. Is it just me, or is there an edge of "or else" thrown into this mix?

And what would happen if Clinton got elected the nominee? Let's cut to an Obama supporter to find out! Let's talk about how it would make them very angry. Because we all know that's how elections are run - vote for my candidate or else the kids will throw a temper tantrum.

Isn't CNN sort of encouraging an irresponsible attitude here? Oh - I forgot - they like it when the Democrats have riots, don't they? Nonstop coverage. Who would have imagined such a thing could happen?

Never mind that most Democrats have voted for Clinton. Yes - Clinton has more Democratic party votes than Obama, who has relied on those college kids to get mommy and daddy to indulge them (for the nomination - not the general election). (See Young Obama Backers Twist Parents' Arms, NYTimes)

The fact is, the entire media has thrown in for Obama.

Who gets to choose the President again? Oh yes - the wealthy guys who control the three companies that own almost all the media outlets in America. And they want Obama - precisely because it is now increasingly obvious that Obama cannot and will not defeat McCain.

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