Get ready for a new America - one without watchdogs
I will not concede that Hillary is out before she does, but this makes me a very small voice; everyone is celebrating Obama's victory already, doing their best to paint a narrative.
And the combined forces of Corporate America are formidable indeed.
To me, it appears that Obama (and/or his masters) all along had the plan of capturing half of the Democratic party, and using that half to attack the other half. I grieve that I couldn't see it coming; that there would have been nothing I could have done even if I had
Flee or submit? Either way, DWVs (Democrats With Values) lose the minute Hillary Clinton concedes.
Voting for Obama is, for me, unthinkable. Arguments that he is a Democrat fall flat: a Democratic party that violates everything Democrats have believed in since I have been alive is not something I intend to vote for. These people won by raping Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream. It is my hope that no real Democrats get fooled into supporting the party. It does not represent Democratic values any more.
On the bright side, at least now that they have dropped the facade, we do not have to pretend that Obama wasn't really flipping Hillary off, that Obama didn't really mean to insult anyone with his "typical white person" and his "bitter" and his other various "white people suck" comments. And one must assume that the whole drama with Rev. Wright was staged, as some suggested. I still believe, personally, that Obama deliberately set up that "bitter" comment - if he were just speaking to fundraisers (and didn't know about the tape recorder) he would not have spelled out that Clinton was just as bad as the Bushes as far as the economic policies affecting Pennsylvanians. (If he really believed that, the fundraisers would think he was a moron. They know practically down to the penny just how much Bill's prosperity cost them.)
Of course all of these were his Pied Piper calls, to people who enjoy seeing him lash out, and who are immature enough to enjoy how he refused to accept responsibility for his words and actions. (And dumb enough not to have his refusal to accept responsibility setting off any alarm bells).
I hope we have seen the last of "what Obama really meant" (W.O.R.M.).
But looking at the new Democratic party, as it is revealed to us:
This new Democratic party is stocked with the sort of people who think shopping at Whole Foods makes you a better person. It just takes my breath away that someone would commit that to print. Initial impression: mostly the ones supporting Obama (as opposed to the ones who are pulling his puppet strings) have no clue what is really going on. They don't realize yet that this isn't about cultural signifiers, because they don't realize that cultural signifiers matter only in terms of what they signify in the real world. They are the ones being tossed a bone, and they are so pleased with that bone that they don't even realize there is fine print attached.
But for those who shop at Aldi, the day Hillary concedes it is indeed time to get out of the party. There is no political representation for those who must earn a wage for a living in Obama's party. It is time to start again, from scratch - the reforms earned by the labor movement are betrayed by an economic conservative posing as an enemy of corporate America.
It's depressing. The last hope I saw for reversing the poverty slide was sold, by a corrupt DNC, to the highest bidder, and the last hope I saw for checking corporate power is undone, as corporations apparently bought the damned Democratic party.
There will be no party left to stick up for equal rights. Obama and his supporters revel in their ability to insult and abuse. For women who want respect, for gays and lesbians, it is time to start over. It will be interesting to see what happens to blacks. Last I heard, they were as overwhelmingly working class as whites are. And yet they're a big force behind the movement.
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