No right is more precious in a free country than that of having a voice in the election of those who make the laws under which, as good citizens, we must live. Other rights, even the most basic, are illusory if the right to vote is undermined.
- US Supreme Court

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

election games

the civil war in the Democratic party:
Donna Brazile admits on CNN that her new plan for the "new" Democratic party involves "not needing" core Democratic constituencies. For some reason, even though people heard her say it - the transcript starts after that particular quote, right at the part where someone is asking her what the heck she means.

Not that it's really much of a secret to working class voters - or to the other core constituencies that Brazile intends to boot from the party. Of course when Obama means 'change', he means we are what needs to 'change'. Right? Unity means everyone is united in anger against America - meaning scapegoats standing in for America's sins. Right? Obama's "new kind of politics" means the novelty of seeing a Presidential candidate openly insulting America and its people - which is touted as "calling things the way they really are". (Of course, it's no way to govern - but who ever said Obama actually cared about governing? I mean, have you seen his voting record?)

The closest we have (yet) is the part right after the offensive statement - where she revises what she said:

Gary, IN:
Wolf Blitzer tries to get the mayor of Gary, IN to explain why he's holding on to the votes (the two obvious possibilities: 1. because he is trying to manipulate news coverage of Hillary's win, or 2. intention to tamper with votes.)

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