No right is more precious in a free country than that of having a voice in the election of those who make the laws under which, as good citizens, we must live. Other rights, even the most basic, are illusory if the right to vote is undermined.
- US Supreme Court

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hillary hate

Tonight I started keeping track of all the Hillary-hate I could find on a separate web page. I hope to add a couple of Hillary-haters to this new web page every day, if I can. (I will add it to the blog roll after I get it set up.)

The hate is overwhelming.

There's so much of it, I don't know how I can ever put it all on a single web page. So I'm just going to do what I can - which will mean letting a lot of it go.

But someday we will look back at the chorus and be amazed.

Joel Stein, LA Times:
You know how ladies, when they don't get what they want, can go a little crazy? Am I right, fellas? Right now, they're pretty upset about losing their first chance at a female president. This would have empowered little girls, shattered sexist beliefs about female incompetence and forced men around the world to view a woman as an agent of power instead of a sex object -- all of which, it turns out, are important to women even though they buy Star magazine. Ladies are complicated.

Because women do most of the voting, and the shopping and the TV watching and the book reading -- porn really must take up a lot of men's time -- they need to be placated. Which shouldn't be hard. You know how when your dog dies, your wife wants to get a puppy right away? That's what America has to do. We need a replacement Hillary.
Stephen Kaus, Huffpo:
COURIC: Someone told me your nickname in school was Miss Frigidaire. Is that true?"

CLINTON: Only with some boys," Clinton said, laughing.

COURIC: I don't know if I want to hear the back story on that!

CLINTON: Well, you wouldn't want to know the boys either.

(Apparently, the real story, as reported by Carl Bernstein, is that Hillary's high school yearbook predicted she would become a nun, and would be known as Sister Frigidaire.)

I am guessing the "some boys" that Clinton thinks Couric would not want to know were normal intelligent people who had a sense of humor and had spotted someone who did not. I don't remember too many low-lifes working for our high school yearbook.

Too many to catch them all.

My favorite for today is the actor who was Wesley Crusher a few decades ago (apparently he's still milking it for a living) who says that if we call him sexist for calling Hillary a "psycho ex-girlfriend", he's going to point his finger and laugh at me.

Yeah, there's someone who makes his living off the great horde of womenless dorksters, all right.