The hate is overwhelming.
There's so much of it, I don't know how I can ever put it all on a single web page. So I'm just going to do what I can - which will mean letting a lot of it go.
But someday we will look back at the chorus and be amazed.
Joel Stein, LA Times:
You know how ladies, when they don't get what they want, can go a little crazy? Am I right, fellas? Right now, they're pretty upset about losing their first chance at a female president. This would have empowered little girls, shattered sexist beliefs about female incompetence and forced men around the world to view a woman as an agent of power instead of a sex object -- all of which, it turns out, are important to women even though they buy Star magazine. Ladies are complicated.Stephen Kaus, Huffpo:
Because women do most of the voting, and the shopping and the TV watching and the book reading -- porn really must take up a lot of men's time -- they need to be placated. Which shouldn't be hard. You know how when your dog dies, your wife wants to get a puppy right away? That's what America has to do. We need a replacement Hillary.
Too many to catch them all.COURIC: Someone told me your nickname in school was Miss Frigidaire. Is that true?"
CLINTON: Only with some boys," Clinton said, laughing.COURIC: I don't know if I want to hear the back story on that!
CLINTON: Well, you wouldn't want to know the boys either.
(Apparently, the real story, as reported by Carl Bernstein, is that Hillary's high school yearbook predicted she would become a nun, and would be known as Sister Frigidaire.)
I am guessing the "some boys" that Clinton thinks Couric would not want to know were normal intelligent people who had a sense of humor and had spotted someone who did not. I don't remember too many low-lifes working for our high school yearbook.
My favorite for today is the actor who was Wesley Crusher a few decades ago (apparently he's still milking it for a living) who says that if we call him sexist for calling Hillary a "psycho ex-girlfriend", he's going to point his finger and laugh at me.
Yeah, there's someone who makes his living off the great horde of womenless dorksters, all right.