No right is more precious in a free country than that of having a voice in the election of those who make the laws under which, as good citizens, we must live. Other rights, even the most basic, are illusory if the right to vote is undermined.
- US Supreme Court

Sunday, June 8, 2008

the W. trick

You know how the Republicans always accuse their opponents of whatever they themselves are guilty of?

Anyone who has been paying attention to the blogosphere has probably noticed that what we used to call Republican dirty tricks have become standard fare at pro-Obama sites. How quickly, completely, easily, and consistently they all switched over from "progressive" to Republican Style!

And what have these "fauxgressive" bloggers been accusing Hillary of being ever since they first showed up* to rule the blogosphere?

A Republican.

If you are a Clinton supporter, don't bother screaming about how you'll leave the party. I think Barack Obama went to a lot of trouble to get you to do just that. I think the wide variety of insults - from "typical white person" to bitter** to middle finger "dirt on your shoulder" to Pfleger - were all quite deliberate, because it is just inconceivable to me that a professional politician (if not Obama, then his backers) could think this would not be a big deal. And his supporters are very coordinated, very organized - it is not a coincidence that they appear to be rude and out of control. They are herding old people and poor people out of the party deliberately. Bet on it.

I think the guys at dKos were being entirely serious when they said, whether they win or lose, they win - if they can get the Clintons (and the Clinton supporters) out of the party, which is the first step to attracting voters who are sick of the trashed, burned-out Republican party, and their pukey little nothing Libertarian party.

What kind of "new politics" wins the backing of old-time Washington insiders, CNN, and Rupert Murdoch, anyway?

update: found this via riverdaughter (admittedly more comical than sinister):

I’m tired of the tough talk you folks think you can lay down. You complain, whine, and bitch about how the Democratic Party has left you out in the cold. Well, you know what, YOU’VE BEEN HOLDING THE PARTY DOWN FOR YEARS AND NOW ALL YOU ARE IS DEAD WEIGHT. Remember when Hillary this past weekend noted that out of the last 40 years democrats have only won the white house 3 times. THAT’S NOT A FUCKING GOOD THING. And if you folks were sincere when you said you were the ones who’ve grown up sacrificing your own blood, sweat, and tears for the party, guess what? Your blood, sweat, and tears aren’t good enough. Unless of course being a baby boomer lead you to think that 3 and 10 was alright. Let’s face it folks, you’re losers, plain and simple. If you want to know why the party has been full of losers for the past 40, take a look around. You are the reason we kept losing, yes, you are total fucking losers. Do I need to say it one more time. YOU ARE NOW POLITICAL DEAD WEIGHT.

* just where did Markos and Ariana Huffington come from before becoming "progressive" bloggers, anyway?

** said it before, but I just don't see how the bitter comment could not be a deliberate insult. Delivered to Obama's favorite media outlet by one of his own people.

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