No right is more precious in a free country than that of having a voice in the election of those who make the laws under which, as good citizens, we must live. Other rights, even the most basic, are illusory if the right to vote is undermined.
- US Supreme Court

Sunday, August 31, 2008

be very afraid

If you think John McCain's choice of VP has somehow guaranteed Obama the election, you have an information gap.

Last time I checked the statistics, there were more Democrats than Republicans in this country, but the Democrats were more likely to defect or stay home.

Liberals comprised something like 18% of the population. (This is something that the Democratic party activists and bloggers love to ignore when they keep insisting the Democratic party ought to pander more to this group above all others.)

A huge number of Democrats have significant disagreements with the party on major issues but, above the local level, the party doesn't listen - instead it just insults its membership, calling them names, assuming they're backwards hicks who aren't as sophisticated as the demographic groups living in the "right" (or "good") areas, and, above all, pointing to the fact that this disagreement, while often quite strong, is usually only partial. Look - people are changing their views on issue X, but they agree with us on this part. The Democrats nit-pick. They insist that it is a sign that "people are dumb" when people agree with a Democratic goal (for instance, equality for minorities and women) in a broad and general sense, and yet fail to agree with the Democrats' chosen solution. Look, the amused Democrat says. These poor uneducated fools like the idea of eradicating inequality, but they're not willing to support it when they see it in the real world*.

I'm not a liberal and I'm not a feminist. I'm no "Reagan Democrat", though, because I hated Reagan. I have never believed in him or his vision. I believed in the vision of the Democratic party - the one articulated by Hillary Clinton**.

So that's where I am on the spectrum - apparently further right than most Democratic bloggers, but not as far right as so-called "Reagan Democrats" because I still believe Reagan was, to put it very politely, wrong.

But I'll probably vote for McCain/Palin. What option has the Democratic party left me?

Be very clear on this: it's not because I like McCain/Palin. It's because what my own party is offering is even less appealing:
  • Go ahead and say that Palin wants to teach creationism in schools, side by side with evolution. So does Obama.

  • Go ahead and say that Palin is pro-life. (Obama Girl is going to hate that a whole lot more than I will.) I say, well, here's a debate our nation is ready to have. Let's get this thing duked out - once and for all would be nice.

  • Go ahead and say that Palin has no experience. I laugh at this: do people realize they have already fallen to comparing Obama to McCain's veep choice?

  • Go ahead and point out how conservative McCain's policies are. Now explain to me how Obama is any different - except, of course, for the very significant fact that Obama wants to do his conservative governing in the name of the Democratic party.
Obama offers me worse than nothing. If he is elected, I can expect he will behave like an enemy, (D) or not. He will oppose my issues. He will be just as bad as McCain on the issues I care about, while at the same time he will represent things I abhor:
  • He openly insults every demographic I am proud to belong to. I have no use for a candidate who harasses women and mocks small town America. I have no use for a candidate who thinks patriotism is stupid, whites are evil, and working class is just another word for trailer trash***.

  • Every issue I care deeply about - Obama will undermine. If we're going to see the overturning of the rights I care about, I want it done by a Republican.

  • McCain/Palin win on the character issue - and Obama's character flaws are so troubling that character matters in a way that never even occurred to me before.

  • Obama's response to criticisms is to attack his critics. I'm not really looking forward to four years of his name-calling.

  • A victory for Obama means that the pro-Clinton factions in the Democratic party are driven out, while the sleazeballs will gain total control over the new "Obama party".

    And this is no small point. Obama wants to reroute the Democratic party's power through him personally, co-opting and/or shutting down all competing forms of power throughout the progressive movement. Are we not supposed to notice or mind this? Because I do notice and I do mind.
There are many arguments about not being complicit in one's own victimization. I am not going to forgive the Democratic party for what it did. Even if all other things were precisely equal - even if Obama were a better candidate than McCain - there is still the fact that a vote for Obama equals
  • a vote for stolen elections and the legitimization of corruption

  • a vote for not being listened to by the Democratic party

  • a vote for bullying - affirming the despicable tactics used by Obama and his campaign

  • a vote for misogyny, disrespect, and hate toward women

  • a vote for "post-partisanship" - which seems to be a formalization of the policy that Democrats exist to rubberstamp whatever Republicans want. Democrats will stop being an opposition party and will instead be a party that serves Republican wishes. (No thanks!)

  • a vote for the idea that the Democratic party is all about Obama - instead of being about its people, or about its principles, or its issues, it will be power concentrated in the hands of one man I have come to really dislike.
It has become obvious that the Democratic party isn't sincere about offering opportunity (let alone equality) for women, and has proven repeatedly that the party turns rabid and vicious if a woman actually dares to challenge their male power.

Oh sure, those probably aren't real Democrats - Kos and Huffington used to be Republicans, until right around the same time someone picked out puppet Obama to prop up, when suddenly they converted to Democrat and started blogging. And media personalities are obviously ruled by the rich man holding their leash.

But so what? What did the party do to defend its own? That's the real point. How can we vote for something that is so rotten through that when a Republican steps on it, it caves? It is impossible from this distance to tell the difference between infiltration vs. plain old incompetence, but neither one is what we need in our leader.

Palin will deliver women. She won't win liberal women - but so what? She doesn't need to. Every other woman in the nation is probably as grossed out as I am by "that's a cell phone in my pocket, HA HA HA hey you don't mind if I slap your butt SWEETIE!"

Palin is an image of womanhood that reflects what a lot of women would really like to be.

Palin will deliver for McCain those states which McCain probably would have won anyway. Palin will clinch it, deliver energy, make it strong. She will win unions and she will win the working class. She will win Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Indiana, West Virginia, Kentucky, and all those other working class states (that would have voted for Hillary).

My best hope now: McCain/Palin for President with a Democratic congress.

I would have really, really liked a Democratic President, but I don't imagine Obama (or his fanboys) to be the least bit Democratic.

Democrats need to figure out what to do next. If they keep letting recently-converted Republicans-turned-Democrat to behave the way they have been (in the name of liberals and the Democratic party), Congress will be gone too.
* And of course the affluent white liberal Democrat in his gated community or his ivy tower - the idea that this guy could be the one who genuinely doesn't get it never occurs to him. Democrats just know their solutions work - and if you were to point to the last thirty years and say, when does the part where these solutions work start happening? they'd just call you a name.

** I see Obama as the unmaking of that vision - not a step toward the fulfillment of it.

***Oh, and just what is so comical about a woman shooting a gun?


Anonymous said...

According to Oxford Dictionary the definition of Feminisim /Feminist n. & adj.


Are you sure you are not a feminist?

This primary season was extremely disturbing, I felt as if my ideals were crashing in front of my face. Progressives attacking a good hardworking, intelligent woman. A woman who had worked for all people of all different colors. Eathing their own? If this was happening, my whole concept of humanity seemed inadequate. I really was in despair, part of my identity was crumbling.

What I have come to grasp is that life is really about survival of the fittest and if you want your side to win, most will do anything to achieve that end, even if they label themselves as a "peaceful progressive." What then makes these people any better than the "right" who I have so come to view as "bad"? Answer is, nothing.

I picked up Ron Paul's book Revolution and was able to understand what true conservatives were and what they wanted. I would define Paul as a compassionate conservative. They themselves were fighting back for their party against the neocons who had taken over and used Gwb as a puppet. I ended up reading books on history, diplomacy, current world events and leaders. I can say my grasp and vision of the world has changed. I have registered as an Independent voter and will not show an allegiance to any political party as of now. It is one of the great dangers to our Democracy, hence the Obambi takeover of the Democratic Party. Why wouldn't they think, "Where else can they go"?

All this being said, you speak of the character of Senator Mccain and Gov. Palin and I couldn't agree with you more on the importance of character in a leader. Read THE BUSH TRAGEDY, it is solely based on the character of GWB and how it affected his decision making. Knowing that Obambi has no character, it is highly dangerous to our country if this man enters office.

I have been reading up on Gov. Palin and am truly impressed. She supported Ron Paul in his quest for Presidency. She has exposed corruption in her own party and she truly is a Washington outsider who has made real changes in her Govt. She is the epitome of the word public servant. She is not anti environment and she will not seek to overturn roe v wade.

With his choice for Vice President Senator Mccain has displayed his character and decision making skills and I could not be more delighted. It has calmed my fears of voting for the "evil republicans".

My new self is still on shaky ground but I'm getting used to me. I think this whole country has been on a roller coaster ride through this election process and we have all learned something and grown. Without Hillary we would never have had VP nominee Palin. If women didn't stand with Hillary, we probably wouldn't have either. The Democratic party needs to fall and rebuild in the classic Democratic tradition. If Obambi gets elected this will not happen, so it is of upmost importance he loses a landslide victory, so we as citizens can have two real choices from Parties for the people. No more puppets! Real leaders who put country first.

jacilyn said...

Are you sure you are not a feminist?

Depends on how one defines "feminist".

At any rate, I'm not sure what I am anymore. I am still trying to make sense of everything that is going on....