No right is more precious in a free country than that of having a voice in the election of those who make the laws under which, as good citizens, we must live. Other rights, even the most basic, are illusory if the right to vote is undermined.
- US Supreme Court

Friday, April 18, 2008

Ayers matters for Obama

It's ridiculous how people are defending Obama's associations with politically poisonous people. Apparently they think when Obama speaks of politics 'a new way', that means he can just ignore political realities, do whatever he wants - and somehow things will work out all right, not in spite of, but because Obama is ignoring the rules that govern ordinary reality.

Three problems come to mind:

1. Most people disapprove of using violence to solve problems.

Please note that while Ayers would not be a big deal if it were just the one association, it isn't just one association. It's web pages with shackles on them and Rev. Wright attacking blacks who are "whiter than Cheney" and Catholic priests who talk about snuffing out gun shop owners and New Black Panthers and every other bitter, alienated, hateful person drawn to Obama like a magnet.

What Obama is offering is "change", a code word that appears to mean America-hating. What happens after all the bitter, alienated people are unified?

2. Is Obama too politically incompetent to run for this high office?

If you're going to run for office, you disassociate yourself from people whose views you do not share. If you cannot figure out how to do this, then isn't it safe to assume you're not going to be able to figure out how to do anything else?

Of course, the problem with "new politics" is that Obama has yet to explain how he's going to get things done, if he isn't going to do things the way they've always been done. If he does not work with Congress, what else is there to do? Kidnap everyone and hold them in a basement until they agree to give you what you want? Jedi mind tricks maybe?

3. My own biggest beef here is that Obama can't just answer a damned question.

He is so busy being all things to all people that he is either everything you want him to be, or (for those of us who are slightly less accepting on trust) he is a great big blank spot where information would go, if it were available.

If McCain were hanging out with this same guy, it would mean nothing - we have no doubt whatsoever that McCain does not share his philosophy. We know, or think we know, who McCain is, and what he wants.

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