When will people get that elite is not a compliment?
I find myself wanting to run around yelling, I am not an animal! I am a human being!
This is an email I sent to Meghan Daum, LA Times
subject: your article, 'still with stupid'(The thing that stinks about being a new blogger is not knowing the correct etiquette for all situations. Hopefully I have not committed any misdeeds in posting this letter as I have.)
Dear Ms. Daum,
You misunderstand the question.
We don't dislike you because you're smart.
We dislike you because you're Brad Pitt on ice skates. (Ever see the film Seven Years In Tibet?)
Saying that we hate you because you're so smart is as ridiculous (and as arrogant) as saying "they hate us for our freedom".
Elite in this case is not about wealth or big words. It is being self-righteous about one's own superiority. It is about being presumptuous, as Obama is every time he takes it upon himself to speak about white working class America in a way that suggests he knows us better than we know ourselves. He gives us speeches about how we need to understand the "complexity" of people like Rev. Wright, yet he can't be bothered to learn the first thing about us. (For us, there's no complexity; he reduces us to cheap little stereotypes that fit into easy generalizations.)
Us poor dumb illiterate folk, we don't have a good word to describe what basically amounts to the infuriating belief that what's wrong with America is that dumb hicks don't vote the way their betters tell 'em to.
We are not quite so stupid that we honestly believe that Clinton is just like us. (I bet people in foreign lands weren't fooled by her wearing their native dress, either. They probably thought, how ridiculous, that woman trying to pass herself off as one of us. Ha. And here the stupid fool thinks she's paying us a compliment. Everyone knows what we really need is for someone smarter than ourselves to come here and tell us the truth about what is wrong with us.)
If you guys are so great, how come you can't figure out why you never win Ohio? I'll give you a hint: "because the people are too dumb to vote the way they ought to" is a BAD ANSWER. It's been the wrong answer for like what decades now? How many more years before you start looking for another answer?
The Democratic elite doesn't even bother to understand its people - let alone look out for 'em. If the self-described elite were world-smart instead of merely book-smart, they'd know that there's more to leadership than just blaming the followers for mass desertions.
(with apologies if I am posting things wrong. I am posting a copy of this at my own blog.)
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