So - will Barack Obama be held to the same standards? Clearly the Republicans are willing to go for it. What about our own party? Will they just act like it's no big deal, as they have in the past?
Still working to get final confirmation. (Is it asking for too much to get a straight, accurate answer from the Obama campaign? I guess so.
...This should not be so complicated. Obama’s campaign simply needs to come clean. What was your Great Uncle’s name? When was he born and when did he die? Let’s start there.
(From NoQuarter)Clearly, his family history stories are not passing the stink test.
He makes a lot of mistakes about his family history. It's like he's retelling stories he's heard from third parties, including campaign staff who looked the stuff up. Maybe, aside from his grandparents with whom he lived for several years, he didn't know their side of the family that well -- including the great uncle who was one of the first at Buchenwald. In other words, he's telling stories he's learned on the campaign trail rather than ones he grew up hearing.
It probably wasn't his father who mistakenly told him the Kennedy family paid for his travel to the U.S. to study in Hawaii. It probably wasn't his mother who told him the 1965 March in Selma, AL allowed her to marry his father (he was born in 1961). More likely, I think, campaign researchers and aides came up with it.
(From TalkLeft)Why should so many questionable statements receive less attention?
Who is Barack Obama?
I have a sneaking suspicion that the ever-increasing pile of lies will receive attention - as soon as it's too late to take action.
Democratic Party, people are watching to see what you do. Or don't do. People are watching because everyone knows you will ask for loyalty in November. People are watching to see what you are willing to do, right now, when it counts, to earn that loyalty. Are you looking out for your party's interests?
Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers which they dare not dismount.
And the tigers are getting hungry.
- Winston Churchill
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