No right is more precious in a free country than that of having a voice in the election of those who make the laws under which, as good citizens, we must live. Other rights, even the most basic, are illusory if the right to vote is undermined.
- US Supreme Court

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

we won't be united

Certain people are saying - quite loudly - that we will be united in November.

That's the party's way of saying they don't intend to listen to us. They don't have to. We'll just do as we're told, right?

They don't need to be humble. They can be arrogant.
Mr. Obama ignored Mrs. Clinton’s arguments about the delegates in an effort, his aides said, not to legitimize her point of view.
Well, guess what, Obama - you are not legitimate, no matter what you do. It's already gone.

You wanted to win without actually risking a real vote.

From the same article:
“The outcome of our elections should be determined by the will of the people, nothing more, nothing less,” Mrs. Clinton said.
That is what legitimacy sounds like. Elections determined by the will of the people.

Without that will of the people, they're not "elections". They're shams. They're illegitimate, just like Barack Obama is illegitimate.

If Florida and Michigan had been stripped of half their delegates...but no, oh no, that was not enough. Howard Dean and Donna Brazile wanted to make sure their preferred candidate won, so they had to go farther, much farther. They had to make sure that Florida and Michigan were stripped not only of all delegates, but of all influence. They even lost the right to be counted in the popular vote - which is most assuredly not in any rulebook. The DNC completely disenfranchised two states, and thus changed the outcome - away from the will of the people.

Now comes the part where they get to eat what they made.

Oh, people can and will say "but you owe it to the party to eat what the party leadership made for you" - too bad. I will re-register as something other than Democrat the day Hillary concedes, and then I won't owe the party anything.

Yeah, legitimacy matters. Without it, do not expect the party to come together in November. Do not be so sure it will even survive.

If I were a Democrat downticket, I'd be scared.

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