No right is more precious in a free country than that of having a voice in the election of those who make the laws under which, as good citizens, we must live. Other rights, even the most basic, are illusory if the right to vote is undermined.
- US Supreme Court

Saturday, June 7, 2008

democracy itself is the most important issue

This election lacks legitimacy. It looks crooked. It smells rancid.

Democracy itself - the right to vote - is the most fundamental value, and that value was compromised. The Democratic party will not address the concerns of those who are upset about this. Their only response to arguments for the other side is to shut those arguments up in very undemocratic ways.

I thought the Democratic party stood for the opposition against all of that. I have begun to realize: when was the last time the Democratic party fought for our values? It has been revealed to be a party led by people too corrupt or lazy or chicken to fight for anything other than their own interests*.

Did giving in to W. in 2000 make the world a better place?

If we let the the Democrats do to this party what a different** group of politicians did to the Republican party, will that make this world a better place?

No American who values democracy can or should accept what is going on here, voluntarily giving obedience out of loyalty to the very people who would do all of the things this nation's founders specifically warned us against:
  • The importance of citizens guarding democracy and freedom.
  • The importance of a free press.
  • Vigilance against tyranny***.
This is what democracy is. If we do not hold our elected officials accountable, then we are the ones failing. The Founding Fathers assumed that leaders would tend toward corruption. They assumed "we, the people" would fight that.

Fighting means not just going along and giving up and getting over it like good little children. It means not living in terror of being called some name, such as "sore loser". Or "racist". Or "immature".

Fortunately, there are so many people who feel as I do. People are getting sick of being pushed around and manipulated. Maybe there is hope yet. Maybe it is time for a little coevolution.

I will never give true consent to any candidate who steals his way into any office. Such a candidate is not a democratically elected leader. I will oppose such a candidate when I can, and so will all who recognize that democracy itself is more important than any other single issue.

Yes, really.
* I don't think Hillary was supposed to last long enough for people to see this much of the machinery. What a bunch of crooks!

** maybe

*** vigilance - that is, assumption that without constantly watching for it, corruption is inevitable (as opposed to the current attitude certain interested parties would prefer we all adopt, which is that it is always crazy and paranoid to assume that corruption could ever happen in a nation - or a political party - as Mighty and as Great and as Awesome as this one.)

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